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Plugin - PAY001


Pay processing approval workflow. This plugin implements the following:

  1. Send an email alert to approvers when pay is submitted. This alert is sent to the users in approval workflow based on the user submitted using document template "Pay Processing Approval Alert". Approvers are setup in menu: Company Administration -> Approval Workflow.
  2. Send an email alert to "user submitted" when pay is approved or rejected. This alert uses document template "Pay Processing Approval Actioned Alert".
  3. Send an email alert to approvers when a change is required in approved pays. This alert uses document template "Pay Processing Change Request Alert".

Plugin Rules

Rule Code


Value Caption

Default Value


Document Template Name for Change Request

Pay Processing Change Request Alert


Document Template Name for Change Request Actioned

Pay Processing Change Request Actioned Alert


Document Template Name for Pay Approval


Pay Processing Approval Alert


Document Template Name for Pay Approval Actioned

Pay Processing Approval Actioned Alert


Pay Approval alert. Attach "Pay Edit Report"



PaySummaryReport Pay Approval alert. Attach "Pay Summary Report"  Y/N N